Livro de verdade, vocês têm?

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2 Responses

  1. Something to consider, Eduardo, is the role of the self-publishing movement in making ebooks a success in other countries.

    In the US and UK especially, thanks to a shared language, ebooks took off because of the high volume of low-priced ebooks on offer from self-publishers who flooded the market with not just inexpensive titles but also countless works that have no print equivalent (short stories, novellas, etc) and, perhaps most importantly, a much wider choice than that offered by mainstream publishers playing safe with big name authors and proven genres.

    In Brazil the self-publishing volume will inevitably be much lower, with domestic supply limited in part by the literacy and reading issues you raised, but also by the fact that there is no volume of translated material feeding through.

    When Anglophone indie authors look at translations they invariably turn to French, German, Spanish and Italian (and struggle to make sense of Brazilian and European Portuguese differences).

    Tradução cortesia do Google Tradutor. Desculpas por quaisquer deficiências.

    Algo a considerar, Eduardo, é o papel do movimento de auto-publicação em tornar os ebooks um sucesso em outros países.

    Nos EUA e no Reino Unido especialmente, graças a uma linguagem compartilhada, os ebooks decolaram por causa do alto volume de ebooks de baixo preço oferecidos por auto-editores que inundaram o mercado com títulos não apenas baratos, mas também inúmeras obras que não possuem equivalente de impressão (histórias curtas, novelas, etc.) e, talvez o mais importante, uma escolha muito mais ampla do que a oferecida pelos editores mainstream, com segurança, com autores de grandes nomes e gêneros comprovados.

    No Brasil, o volume de auto-publicação será inevitavelmente muito menor, com o suprimento doméstico limitado em parte pelos problemas de alfabetização e leitura que você levantou, mas também pelo fato de que não há nenhum volume de alimentação de material traduzido.

    Quando os autores indigentes anglófonos observam as traduções, eles invariavelmente se voltam para o francês, o alemão, o espanhol e o italiano (e lutam para entender as diferenças portuguesas e européias).

  2. Eduardo says:

    Hi Mark. I follow Smashwords & Mark Coker since their very first days on ebook business, and we have nothing like that in Brazil — specially, as you say, in terms of volume. We are far away from that… Amazon is pushing hard for authors to use KDP, Wattpad is getting some traction here… but all too small yet, to have a relevant role, like other countries. Simplíssimo manage today around 700 hundred ebooks, mostly by self-published authors, and only a tiny fraction of them achieve meaningful sales — and mostly non-fiction ebooks, the opposite of what you saw/see with English-written self-pub ebooks. Brazilian people, overall, seems to me, have a sadly distant relationship with books. I think you could flood them with cheap, even free books, and they would rather stay on Facebook than actually start a book. Thanks for raising this subject!

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